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Best Betacarotin


The 6 Best Betacarotin

  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Strauß, Markus (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • GRANT, MOLLY (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • GRANT, MOLLY (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Krause-Fabricius, Gisela (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • Ronda, Srinivasa Reddy (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • 56 Pages - 03/10/2022 (Publication Date) - Verlag Unser...
  • Punia, Himani (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • 76 Pages - 02/15/2022 (Publication Date) - Verlag Unser...

Beta-carotene is a provitamin. The chemical compound occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables and is added to foods to make them yellow, orange or red. The provitamin is fat-soluble and is absorbed by the human body in combination with oil and converted into vitamin A. The provitamin is a natural vitamin. This vitamin has an anti-inflammatory effect, is said to prevent heart and cancer diseases and is also good for the eyes. As a dietary supplement it is also available in high doses for those who do not have the opportunity to take in sufficient vitamin A naturally. In holistic medicine, beta-carotene is given a lot of attention in the context of nutritional counselling. It is said to have a preventive effect against Alzheimer’s disease and various muscle diseases.

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It’s not always that easy with vitamins. The one who has too little of it lives just as badly as the one who has the chance of it. The daily need for vitamins can actually be covered (even in the case of beta-carotene or vitamin A) with a few portions of fruit or vegetables. However, this only works as long as the body metabolises the vitamin well and there are no food intolerances. This is exactly where the so-called dietary supplements come in, which contain beta-carotene from the chemistry laboratory. The dose is usually so high that a single pill or tablet a day is sufficient. Whoever is in the situation of having to resort to this form of vitamin should be aware of the side effects – they are not always listed on the package. Food supplements, like medicines, can only be taken after consultation with a trustworthy doctor. And that is also where the second problem is to be found: Since many foods today are no longer consumed in their natural state, but are processed to a high degree, there is quite a lot of beta-carotene on the daily food and drink menu. Beta-carotene is in fruit juice drinks to make them look orange. In the tomato sauce and in the ketchup, it makes the Gouda red and yellow. Quantities are missing in most cases, so that one can never be sure how much of the provitamin one actually ingests.

Not all fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene. But apricots, carrots, peppers and pumpkin, spinach and chicory contain a lot of them. Green cabbage and savoy cabbage each have 100 g even more than 8 mg beta-carotene, and traces can be found in bush beans, courgettes, broccoli, iceberg lettuce, tomatoes and parsley. To be absorbed by the body, it is important that some oil or fat is also consumed with the fruit or vegetable meal. In this respect, the cheese grater in salads, the fried bacon in beans and tomato sauce and similar refinements have their raison d’être and should not be completely omitted as a calorie-saving measure. The vitamin can also be better absorbed from crushed fruit and vegetables, so thorough chewing is worth it. It is also interesting that nutritionists* assume at the moment that carotenoids (i.e. beta-carotene and similar compounds) firstly interfere with each other during absorption and secondly are absorbed under optimal conditions at a maximum of 50 to 70 %

It is not known exactly why the body only metabolizes beta-carotene proportionally and never completely absorbs it from the food supply. However, it is known that the consumption of alcohol and smoking strongly inhibit the absorption of provitamin. So beta-carotene as a dietary supplement may be interesting for smokers and people who drink more often. During pregnancy and lactation, however, additional beta-carotene intake is not recommended. And provitamin has no place in cancer therapy either: Beta-carotene has been shown not to be a cure for cancer. However, a lifelong sufficient supply of provitamin can prevent, delay or even prevent cancer. Because beta-carotene helps the body to capture the free radicals involved in the development of cancer and to render them harmless. Paradoxically, several studies and trials suggest that taking high doses of beta-carotene may have the opposite effect and may be more likely to cause cancer. It seems that the right amount is decisive here.

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  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • GRANT, MOLLY (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • 148 Pages - 07/29/2022 (Publication Date)
Fitness für die Zellen mit Phytonährstoffen: So nutzen Sie die Kraft von Kurkuma, Karotte und Co. (German Edition)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
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  • German (Publication Language)
  • 142 Pages - 11/13/2018 (Publication Date) - Hans-Nietsch-Verlag (Publisher)
Wie ernähre ich mich bei Krebs?: Was nützt, was nicht - praktische Hilfen für den Alltag (German Edition)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Krause-Fabricius, Gisela (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • 180 Pages - 08/20/2019 (Publication Date) - Verbraucherzentrale NRW (Publisher)
Patent zur Herstellung von Nutrazeutika aus Algen: Eine kritische Bewertung (German Edition)
  • Ronda, Srinivasa Reddy (Author)
  • German (Publication Language)
  • 56 Pages - 03/10/2022 (Publication Date) - Verlag Unser Wissen (Publisher)